QuadrigaCX was once a well-run exchange but changed course overnight, writes a lawyer who represented the firm early on.
LVMH, parent company of Louis Vuitton, is about to launch a blockchain for proving the authenticity of luxury goods, sources say.
CoinDesk looks at the appeal of the RadicalxChange movement and its dream of "reinventing institutions to fix problems" such as inequality.
Sending bitcoin lightning payments over the web might soon get easier. That’s because a new bitcoin standard for simplifying lightning payments, the open-source WebLN standard, is gaining traction, now being used by Lightning Joule and Bluewallet, two of the more popular lightning wallets, as well as apps like Lightning Spin, to slim down the number […]
Rachel-Rose O’Leary is a reporter at CoinDesk, covering how cryptocurrencies are being used in areas of economic, social and political unrest. This article is part of her ongoing dispatches from Rojova, Syria. I’m writing from the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria. Known to sympathizers simply as Rojava – meaning West – the predominantly Kurdish region […]
Cboe's suspension of bitcoin futures highlights a mistake we're all making when it comes to institutional involvement, argues Noelle Acheson.
The crypto space has split into three different areas, and the term “crypto” no longer applies to all of them, argues Tim Enneking.
A group of Mt. Gox creditors has warned of a market risk to forks of bitcoin in a draft plan for the collapsed exchange's civil rehabilitation.
Hedge fund and predictions market startup Numerai just closed an $11 million round led by Paradigm and Placeholder.
Six banks have signed up to issue stablecoins through World Wire, an IBM network built on the Stellar blockchain.
Crypto custody is more complex than most of us realize, explains Noelle Acheson. Caution is wise, even if it slows institutional involvement.
There's a lot of overlap between bitcoiners and body hackers. CoinDesk editor Bailey Reutzel traveled to Austin, Texas to explore that crossroads and become a bitcoin holding (literally) cyborg.
An experiment pushing the boundaries of crypto payments, bitcoin's Lightning Torch is suffering liquidity issues due to its success.
The SEC is visiting cities around the U.S. to meet with crypto startups about token offerings and solicit feedback on existing regulations.
Ethereum's ProgPoW proposal may appear to minimize the ASIC advantage, but it isn't as democratizing as claimed, argue Dovey Wan and Martina Long.