Despite breathless headlines, a recent proposal by China’s economic planners would not automatically ban bitcoin mining.
Investors such as Bixin Capital, FBG Capital and Dong Zhao’s DGroup have been lending tens of millions of dollars in crypto since the fall.
Whatever people make of Binance, the company's success isn't just unprecedented, it's precedent-setting.
The head of a large Mt. Gox creditor group is stepping down amid what he described as a legal quagmire that could take years to resolve.
Cryptocurrency isn't colonialism in Syria – it's a step in ensuring the technological autonomy of the region.
The coming release of Bitcoin Core will finally, natively allow users to connect bitcoin full nodes to hardware wallets.
General Motors will chair the next autonomous vehicle data markets working group, using blockchain to help share self-driving data.
Blockchain startup Digital Asset is open sourcing its core software, in part to forge closer relations with other enterprise players.
The SEC's guidance on crypto token sales, while welcome, is not quite the clarifying document the industry hoped for.
More than 40 central banks are experimenting with blockchain, says a new report by the World Economic Forum.
The Central Bank of Iran's draft crypto framework has the local community worried, and getting it changed will not be easy.
Dave Weisberger, CEO of CoinRoutes, looks at some of the main inefficiencies of crypto markets, and how investors can navigate them.
Coinbase Custody has launched staking services for institutional clients, starting with Tezos and touting 6.6 percent yields.
There's more to add to Bitwise's recent report about fake trading volume across the crypto exchange industry, says Daniel Cawrey.
The winds of change are coming to the centralized systems of the Internet, according to author Michael Casey.