

Five Years On, Ethereum Really Is the ‘Minecraft of Crypto-Finance’

The Ethereum community has delivered on many of its promises, says the author of a new book charting the blockchain's early history.

Tech  ·  14 July 2020

Crypto Taxes: Still Confused After All These Years

Many tax professionals claim the recent guidance didn’t provide much clarity and created more confusion than it dispelled.

Policy & regulation  ·  14 July 2020

Version Control Can Help the Media Win Back Reader Trust

By committing content to a blockchain, news outlets can reassure readers that what they are reading is what the outlet originally published, says our columnist.

Tech  ·  13 July 2020

Hyper-Stablecoinization: From Eurodollars to Crypto-Dollars

Crypto-dollarization is the world's next best hope to meet its insatiable demand for U.S. dollars.

Policy & regulation  ·  12 July 2020

Money Reimagined: COVID-19’s Crash Course in Exponential Math

Money requires a network effect, helped by the self-reinforcing idea that “everyone’s using it because everyone’s using it.”

Markets  ·  10 July 2020

Blockchain Tech Can Verify Credentials, but Beware Credentialism

Blockchain-based credentials can make getting back to work and school easier post-COVID-19. But we must resist the urge to put every life achievement on a blockchain.

People  ·  10 July 2020

I’m a Syrian Refugee. This Is How Bitcoin Changed My Life

Now living in the Netherlands, Tey Elrjula explains how bitcoin helped him build a new life as an entrepreneur, educator and author.

People  ·  9 July 2020

What DeFi Can Learn From ‘InFi’

By studying informal financial cooperation, including lending circles, blockchain developers can uncover new opportunities, says our columnist.

Business  ·  8 July 2020

Weed Out the Soviet-Era Ponzi Scheme Eating Ethereum

The MMM Ponzi scheme accounts for 10% of Ethereum's transactions and 50% of Paxos's. It's time the Ethereum community did something about it.

Business  ·  7 July 2020

Money Reimagined: Bitcoin and Ethereum Are a DeFi Double Act

With bitcoin increasingly riding on Ethereum's rails, we're about to see greater complementarity between the top two blockchains.

Business  ·  3 July 2020

How Bitcoin Is Like Ham Radio

Bitcoin is decentralized, good in an emergency, supported by passionate fans and not likely ever to see mainstream adoption, says our columnist.

Markets  ·  2 July 2020

The New US-Mexico-Canada Trade Pact Holds Opportunity for Distributed Tech

NAFTA's replacement, which comes into force today, contains several provisions that might open the way for blockchain technology.

Business  ·  1 July 2020
Federal Reserve

‘Money Printer Go Brrr’ Is How the Dollar Retains Reserve Status

Forecasts of the dollar's demise are premature. Demand for greenbacks has never been stronger, says our columnist.

Markets  ·  1 July 2020

Why the Stock-to-Flow Bitcoin Valuation Model Is Wrong

The popular stock-to-flow bitcoin valuation model has the air of academic rigor. Unfortunately, it's just math-laden marketing.

Markets  ·  30 June 2020

Humility Before a Fall: Your Crypto Startup Hasn’t Done Anything Yet

Scams and fraud won't break crypto. But hubris might.

Business  ·  29 June 2020