

Ethereum-Enhancers Not Ethereum-Killers

The new competitive arena in the so-called scaling wars is between Ethereum-enhancers, not Ethereum-killers.

Tech  ·  14 October 2020

Ethereum Is Building the Internet of Value

The original internet was built without money in mind. The next internet will be different. Change, albeit small, is already here.

Tech  ·  13 October 2020

Your Wallet in 2030 Will Be Full of Free Money

Real freedom will come when monetary stimulus goes directly to the people, writes Yoni Assia, founder and CEO of eToro

People  ·  13 October 2020

The Securities Clarity Act Is Simple and Logical (and Bad News for Lawyers Like Me)

The Securities Clarity Act deserves the crypto community's support because it's technology-agnostic, limited in scope and respects precedent.

Policy & regulation  ·  13 October 2020

Decentralized Governance in the Wild – Lessons From the KuCoin Hack

Ben Goertzel, founder of SingularityNET, reflects on governance decisions made following the $150 million KuCoin exploit – and why hard forking wasn't the best option.

People  ·  12 October 2020

MakerDAO’s Embrace of Centralized Stablecoins Offers Risks and Rewards

MakerDAO's ingestion of centralized stablecoins may help maintain a $ peg. But it could also invite more regulatory scrutiny.

Policy & regulation  ·  12 October 2020

It’s Time to Launch the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain

We've spent the last nine months testing the life out of this thing. It's time to stake our ideas, money and time on the line.

Tech  ·  12 October 2020

Money Reimagined: Fixing the Internet’s Big Flaw

In an age when data leads to economic domination, shifting control is a really impactful way to empower individuals.

Policy & regulation  ·  9 October 2020

Ethereum Is Manhattan and Everyone Is Moving to the Suburbs

As things stand, only the most liquid, hyperconnected protocols will be able to thrive on Ethereum. That's why many protocols are heading to the "suburbs."

People  ·  9 October 2020

Reading Between the Lines of Brian Armstrong’s Mission Memo

Brian Armstrong's apolitical stance speaks to an unhealthy Silicon Valley culture where debate is shut down and substantive conversations happen underground.

Business  ·  8 October 2020

Ethereum Is the Frontier of Financial Innovation

Innovation occurs when the costs of iteration and experimentation reduce.

People  ·  8 October 2020

Coinbase’s ‘Mission’ Violates the Spirit of Bitcoin

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong wants it both ways: to be apolitical about uncomfortable disruptions and political about Bitcoin's mission to disrupt the world.

Policy & regulation  ·  7 October 2020

Bitcoin Correlations Depend on What Phase It Is In

Bitcoin's correlations with gold and the stock market appears contradictory on the surface. There are deeper machinations at work.

Markets  ·  7 October 2020

How the Decentralized Web Transfers Wealth From Corporations to People

Companies today control our domain names, the content we host and our access to the internet. By 2030, that will change.

Tech  ·  6 October 2020

After BitMEX: Regulation Must Change for the Digital Age

Recent regulatory enforcement against BitMEX shows how out of step the world's financial regulators are with digital innovation.

Policy & regulation  ·  6 October 2020