Noelle Acheson argues that bitcoin’s volatility is intrinsic and is unlikely to diminish with increased liquidity – and that’s not a bad thing.
Iranian bitcoin users are earning a significant portion of their income in crypto, and hodling for the long haul.
Max Boonen of crypto OTC firm B2C2 dives into the role, benefits and potential risks of high-frequency trading in crypto markets.
Lending startup Celsius went from a $50 million token sale to $1 billion in crypto deposits.
Some Asian countries have gone a long way toward shoring up their rules and regulations around cryptocurrencies and security tokens.
Formerly a CoinDesk Contributing Editor, Daniel Cawrey is author of the upcoming “Mastering Blockchain” book to be published by O’Reilly Media. Earlier this year IBM purchased Red Hat, the oft-referred to model for how open source can thrive, for $34 billion. Long the consultant to enterprises, IBM is going through a transitional period as a […]
The Marshall Islands is moving ahead with a plan to issue a sovereign currency built on blockchain, writes Minister David Paul.
Mark Carney's recent statements about a new digital global currency has opened the door to fresh ideas built on blockchain, Michael J Casey writes.
Favorable energy prices and a naturally cold climate are turning Siberia into an international hub for bitcoin miners.
New tech usually struggles with vocabulary, says Noelle Acheson. With bitcoin, the confusion rubs off integral concepts in securities legislation.
A group of bitcoin enthusiasts just ran, biked and swam across Europe, all to promote the cryptocurrency they love.
In making the technology more accessible, many developers are sacrificing the benefits of decentralization for the sake of convenience.
The London-based Monolith just added DAI to its crypto debit card product. But the startup itself has long used DAI to manage its treasury.
Bitcoin's share of the total crypto market is rising rapidly, but is that necessarily good news for the sector?
“Half of the audience here is like, ‘I hope you die in a fire.’”