The advocacy group has supported Telegram's appeal over a U.S. district court's decision to block the firm's token issuance – even outside the country.
Telegram has asked a court to clarify if it can still issue its tokens to non-U.S. investors after a preliminary injunction blocked the issuance in the U.S.
Wright objected after a judge dismissed his attorney-client privilege over weak evidence.
Telegram has appealed a court ruling barring it from distributing its gram cryptocurrency.
Kik had previously asked for a jury trial to make its case against the SEC. Now it's seeking a summary judgment.
The Florida judge has now approved fees and expenses amounting to about a quarter of the amount claimed.
AT&T's motion to dismiss Michael Terpin's case was largely dismissed by a California court on Monday.
The co-founders are countersuing, claiming the company – which developed "Minority Report-inspired ad boards – has been hijacked.
Big names that may have invested in Telegram’s token sale are surfacing in court documents as the company fights a case brought by the SEC.
Newly released transcripts of the SEC’s depositions of Telegram executives offer a rare window into the logic and the mechanics behind its $1.7 billion token sale.
The U.S. advocacy group has come out strongly on the side of Telegram in its ongoing SEC court case.
The firm is alleged to have conducted a fraudulent and unregistered sale of digital assets called OPP Tokens, raising around $600,000.
Kik has hit a brick wall with its ambitious "void for vagueness" defense in a case brought by the SEC over its $100 million initial coin offering.
Messaging app firm Telegram has made a new plea to a U.S. court to drop an action brought by the SEC alleging its token is a security.
Craig Wright broke a non-binding settlement agreement to forfeit half his claimed bitcoin holdings, according to a court filing.