John Law recaps the week's news and forecasts the future, in his final column for CoinDesk.
This week John Law glues together broken China, mops up Canada's sticky MintChip mess and proposes new altcoin 'karmacoin'.
This week John Law gives the taxman some ideas, makes micropayments, and gives you bitcoin without the hassle, almost.
John Law remembers a 1930s currency revolution, survives exuberant optimism, and (almost) finds something good about mobile malware mining.
John Law wonders if cryptocurrencies could secure your cash, BLTs could protect your ID and bitcoin is wrongly named.
John Law discusses revolution in regulation, putting competition back into banking and shares his outlandish bitcoin art ideas.
John Law suggests privacy seekers should stay hidden, bitcoin doesn't need Tor and a novel purchase for the Winklenauts.
John Law ponders what could destroy bitcoin, and what a ban would look like, but finds it remarkably hard.
This week, John Law invents insults for Gox clients, finds a DIY ATM and has a rather good idea.
What links dark deeds, dwarves and dinosaurs? John Law takes a firm grip on this week’s bitcoin news.
This week John Law takes a bite out of Apple, ventures into 'unbanked' territory and ponders a sticky bit-lemma.
This week in the wonderful world of bitcoin: high-profile arrests, Chinese trillions and eyelashes for cars.
This week John Law delves into custom currencies, robot rulers and cannabis-related bitcoin conundrums.
John Law wades knee-deep into bitcoin's hectic week of cut-price ATMs, risky derivative markets and merchants galore.
This week has provided two excellent counter-examples against the inherent badness of bitcoin – one small, one very big.