Lawrence Summers

Lawrence Summers on Inflation: Fed ‘Will Only Remove the Punch Bowl After It Sees People Staggering Around Drunk’

“I think policy is rather overdoing it,” the former U.S. Treasury secretary said at Consensus 2021.

Markets  ·  26 May 2021

The Relationship Between US Government Debt and Bitcoin, Explained

Bitcoiners are looking for persistent USD inflation to validate their favorite asset. That’s unlikely to happen soon, economists say, but low interest rates are still a boon for BTC.

Policy & regulation  ·  20 January 2021

Former US Treasury Secretary Laurence Summers Expects ‘a Ton of Innovation’ Around Stablecoins

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers praised stablecoins last week, saying he sees use cases in cross-border transactions as one example of their usefulness.

Markets  ·  3 July 2020
Bitcoin Options

Is Scam Selling Suppressing the Price of Bitcoin?

Scam selling, a big win for privacy from Apple, new jobless claims in the “whack-a-mole” economy and the biggest BTC options expiry ever.

People  ·  25 June 2020

Former US Treasury Secretary: Bitcoin Needs More Than Math to Succeed

Former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers has argued bitcoin needs stronger regulation to succeed long term.

Policy & regulation  ·  12 February 2015