Little-Known Cryptocurrency Hedge Fund Seeks $200 Million in SEC Filing

11 July 2017

A little-known, newly established hedge fund is seeking to raise $200m to invest in cryptocurrencies, according to regulatory filings.

The bid by Cryptocurrency Fund LP to raise the money was revealed in a Form D submission to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), dated July 10. The funding effort has a minimum contribution threshold of $100,000 from accredited investors, who have at least $5m net worth.

The filing represents the latest bid to attract large-scale investors to funds built around cryptocurrency markets. In recent weeks, several existing investors in the space have moved to build similar efforts, including a $100m bid to build an ICO-focused fund that has raised roughly a third of that amount to date.

Yet in the case of Cryptocurrency Fund LP, the big-ticket fundraise objective stands in contrast to the relatively scarce amount of available information about the company.

Public records show that the filing was submitted by CEO Pavlo Savchuk, with the venture itself being registered in Las Vegas, Nevada, on June 26. An associated firm, Cryptocurrency Capital LLC, lists Timofii Melnyk and Oleksii Yeharmin as principals. Cryptocurrency Fund LP has also made few statements to the public about its investment plans.

The company published a short post about blockchain assets on Medium, dated the same day that the fund was registered in Nevada. Its website further states that a white paper related to the initiative can be downloaded, but in a phone interview, Savchuk told CoinDesk that it’s not publicly available because of pending regulatory approval.

The CEO subsequently said that, besides filing with the SEC, the fund is also obligated to obtain a license from the National Futures Associates, a self-regulatory organization for the futures industry. Until then, they are not allowed legally to present offering policies to any potential investors, he added.

Savchuk, according to his LinkedIn profile, worked as a foreign trade manager for Ukraine-based Gresa Group, which makes renewable energy production equipment, between 2013 and 2015. He further served as a securities trader for New York-based T3 Trading Group between March and May of this year, his profile states.

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