
The Node: The Problem of Authenticity in NFT Art

“This work does require a context. It's not just the blockchain," Foundation's CEO said.

People  ·  9 March 2021

Blockchain Must Adapt to Build Trust in the Internet of Things

While there is tremendous promise for the tech, blockchain must evolve substantially to meet the unique demands of the internet of things.

Tech  ·  26 May 2018

Crying Wolf? Why You Can’t Ignore Crypto Scam Claims

Sorting the signal from the noise may be harder in the cryptocurrency space than almost anywhere else.

Tech  ·  27 November 2017

Bonafide Raises $850k to Build Reputation System for Bitcoin

Bonafide has built a reputation scoring system that lets companies or individuals gauge others' trustworthiness when transacting in bitcoin.

Markets  ·  2 February 2015