The Plasma Group reformed as Optimism and is working to make ethereum's calling card, smart contracts, work above the base layer.
A new ethereum scaling solution called Monoplasma was announced today by blockchain data platform Streamr.
The narrative that ethereum can't scale is being actively disproved in production environments on a daily basis.
A new approach to storing bitcoin's "state" could help significantly reduce storage requirements for users of the cryptocurrency.
As work on ethereum's plasma scaling solution proceeds, some developers are hailing a form of cryptography used by zcash as an alternative.
The rise of solutions like the lightning network suggests crypto can have its cake and eat it too. Transactional scaling may just be the icing.
Vitalik Buterin discussed a new idea Friday for a scaling solution that envisions how the capabilities of the ethereum blockchain might be expanded.
Vitalik Buterin and Jospeh Poon hope to fix ethereum's scaling problem with a Lightning Network-like system, Plasma, but does it have what it takes?