Lightning Network


Bitfinex Invests in Derivatives Exchange Built With Bitcoin’s Lightning Network

The raise came after the new trading platform reached nearly $10 million in aggregate trading volume.

Business  ·  8 September 2020
Lightning Network

Total Value on Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Sets Another Record High Amid Market Rally

The layer 2 protocol holds $12.4 million worth of bitcoins.

Markets  ·  1 September 2020

Another Bitcoin Lightning Startup Is Working With Visa to ‘Fast Track’ Card Payments

With help from the Visa Fast Track program, LastBit will let users make any purchase with bitcoin, without needing the merchant to actively accept it.

Tech  ·  25 August 2020
Lightning Network

Ready to Wumbo: LND Enables More, Larger Bitcoin Transactions on Lightning

LND now supports Lightning Network wumbo channels. These channels have the capacity to hold more funds, and users can send larger bitcoin transactions.

Tech  ·  20 August 2020

Bitcoin DeFi May Be Unstoppable: What Does It Look Like?

Bitcoin veterans are about to join the decentralized finance (DeFi) bull run, and they are taking a very different approach than Ethereum fans.

Business  ·  17 August 2020
Lightning Network

‘Rat Poison Squared on Steroids’: What’s New in Bitcoin’s Latest Lightning Release

With a sly poke at Warren Buffet's comment that Bitcoin is "rat poison squared," c-lightning developers' latest release adds some key new Lightning features.

Tech  ·  4 August 2020
Lightning Network

To Beat Online Censorship, We Need Anonymous Payments

Online censorship and surveillance will persist as long as local fiat currencies are the only way to pay for telecommunication services.

Tech  ·  29 July 2020

Lightning Startup Zap Raised $3.5M for Bitcoin App Ahead of Visa Deal

The Lightning startup Zap Inc. just raised its first round to build out both mobile bitcoin wallet services and a Visa partnership in 2020.

Business  ·  16 July 2020
Lightning Network

CoinSwap and the Ongoing Effort to Make Bitcoin Privacy ‘Invisible’

Developer Chris Belcher has set his sights on making CoinSwap a reality – a new project he hopes will "massively improve bitcoin privacy."

Tech  ·  13 July 2020

Bitcoin App Bottlepay Is Back From the Dead With a New Lightning App

Bottlepay remodeled its whole product to comply with EU regulations. Roughly 1,000 people are now on the waitlist for the app's relaunch.

Business  ·  10 July 2020
Lightning Network

Bitcoin Wallet Electrum Now Supports Lightning, Watchtowers and Submarine Swaps

In its latest major release, Electrum now supports a number of innovations that could make using Lightning more secure and less bumpy for users.

Tech  ·  10 July 2020
Lightning Network

WikiLeaks Shop Now Accepts Bitcoin Lightning Payments

In 2011, WikiLeaks was among the first organizations to accept donations in bitcoin. Now its shop is taking bitcoin payments over Lightning.

Tech  ·  9 July 2020
Research Paper

Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Is Vulnerable to ‘Looting’: New Research Explains

Computer scientists Jona Harris and Aviv Zohar have examined the Lightning Network's "flood and loot" attack that preys on Bitcoin network congestion.

Tech  ·  6 July 2020
Lightning Network

Cryptography Startup Brings Private Payment Channels to Tezos Blockchain

Cryptography firm Bolt Labs has launched a private payment solution, zkChannels, on Tezos.

Tech  ·  1 July 2020

Why This Dev Built a ‘Centralized Ethereum’ on Top of Bitcoin’s Lightning Network

Ethereum showed the limits of decentralization, says the creator of an explicitly centralized version that pays contracts via Bitcoin’s Lightning Network.

Tech  ·  12 June 2020