A candidate for Congress wants to reward campaign volunteers and participants with an ethereum-based token. FEC officials are set to give their approval.
Coinbase has shut down its political action committee after 10 months without raising any funds or backing any candidates.
The FEC is open to allowing mining pools to donate to political campaigns, but such donations would qualify as "contributions."
US election officials are considering a request that, if approved, would let people contribute to political campaigns by mining cryptocurrencies.
Coinbase formed a Political Action Committee, though it is unclear which candidates it plans to support at this time.
The US Federal Elections Committee is quietly debating whether to reclassify how it treats bitcoin donations.
BitPAC has sent $250 worth of bitcoin donations to eight members of Congress, including Rand Paul and Paul Ryan.
CoinDesk provides an overview of the US politicians who are increasing awareness of digital currency.
The US Federal Election Commission has determined that bitcoin donations may be treated as in-kind political contributions.
Politician Mark Clear returned the donation after a state campaign finance regulator declined to authorize the contribution.
The FEC has revealed it views bitcoin as a "thing of value", not money.
John Law advises keeping your bitcoin safe, ponders bitcoin funding for political parties and recommends drinking wine (responsibly).
The US Federal Elections Commission is proposing a measure that would allow election campaigns to accept bitcoin donations.
The Federal Election Commission in the US has been asked whether bitcoin donations can be used in political campaigns.