CoinDesk has added Hong Kong-based exchange Bitfinex to the Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) as of 16:00 GMT today.
Analysis of key cryptocurrency trends, challenges, opportunities, and the outlook for Bitcoin in 2014.
We've updated our bitcoin price data page so you can now see up-to-the-minute prices from the world's largest exchanges.
CoinDesk has developed a Bitcoin Price Ticker widget that can be embedded into your own website or blog.
CoinDesk has removed Mt. Gox from the BPI due to the exchange’s persistent failure to meet the Index’s standards.
CoinDesk has launched its Bitcoin Price Index to establish the standard retail price reference for bitcoin.
CoinDesk welcomes Bitcoin Foundation's Executive Director Jon Matonis as a contributing editor.
CoinDesk has launched a bitcoin information centre, with guides on everything you need to know about digital currency.
Welcome to CoinDesk. We aim to give you the best information and insight on digital currency and the technologies that develop around it.