Bretton Woods

50 Years After Bretton Woods, the US Dollar’s Throne Is in Play

The greenback's share of world reserves is dropping steadily. The euro, yuan and bitcoin are all in the running to pick up the slack.

Opinion  ·  13 August 2021

Crypto Won’t Be Money Until IRS Accepts It for Taxes, Top Forex Strategist Says

The greenback has something else going for it cryptocurrencies don't: the bond market, notes Marc Chandler.

Markets  ·  6 April 2021

A New ‘Bretton Woods’ Moment?

The IMF has said it’s time to re-evaluate the global economic order, but what does that really mean?

People  ·  19 October 2020
Federal Reserve

After Coronavirus ‘War,’ Bretton Woods-Style Shakeup Could Dethrone the Dollar

Seismic shifts might be in the offing for the global monetary system — a phenomenon that historically has occurred in the wake of world wars.

Markets  ·  27 March 2020

Bitcoin Won’t Be a Global Reserve Currency. But It’s Opening the Box

Bitcoin will not become a global reserve currency, argues Noelle Acheson. But it is adding a powerful tool to the box of potential solutions.

Markets  ·  3 August 2019

Consumers’ Research Publishes Bretton Woods Blockchain Paper

Consumers' Research has published a new white paper months after organizing a meeting of lawmakers and blockchain entrepreneurs at Bretton Woods.

Policy & regulation  ·  25 October 2016