From tech flaws to regulatory interventions, a document sent to prospective investors in Telegram's $2.5 billion token sale spells out the risks.
Michael Arrington's crypto-fund has reportedly been subpoenaed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. blockchain subsidiary tZero has made a sudden change to the way it is conducting a significant step in its ongoing ICO.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has been "shotgunning" subpoenas to token sellers, advisors, investors and exchanges. What will come of it all?
Confronted with big federal funding reductions, Berkeley, California, is turning to crypto token-based funding for services like affordable housing.
Months after China's government shut down domestic order book exchanges, the platforms that originally offered them are finding new ways to thrive.
A team of open-source payments veterans is looking to launch a new identity blockchain, one that won't run afoul of government favor.
Investing platform BnkToTheFuture has raised $33 million in an ICO – money it will use to launch a token market and crowd-sourced research platform.
ICOs are advertising more and more. Are web platforms and regulators taking note, seeking to stamp out bad behavior?
If investing in an ICO, it is imperative to review the T&Cs, not just the white paper. Here's what to be on the lookout for.
The excitement surrounding ICOs has left investors vulnerable to phishing attacks, diminishing the reputation of the new investment mechanism.
While a lot is still unclear about Venezuela's state-backed "petro" token, what is apparent is that many feel it's potentially harmful for its people.
Johann Gevers and Diego Pons, the last original members of the Tezos Foundation Board, have voluntarily stepped down from their positions.
Even if the SEC doesn't pursue an enforcement action against a token seller, buyers can sue privately under U.S. securities laws to unwind the sale.
The entrepreneur behind Messari shares his vision for how the crypto industry could self-regulate ICOs and forestall a regulatory apocalypse.