Take Two: Ethereum Domain Registrar Relaunches on Testnet

20 April 2017

An effort to create a decentralized domain registrar on top of ethereum is moving ahead, a month after its first launch was aborted.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS), led by the Ethereum Foundation’s Alex Van de Sande and Nick Johnson, was set up to register and auction off domains tied to the platform.

The project initially launched in mid-March, but a pair of critical bugs forced the development team to pull back the app.

According to a new blog post, a reworked ENS registrar has been released on the Ropsten network, a testnet for ethereum apps. The release comes weeks after the ENS team published the results of two audits detailing the issues that led to the aborted launch. Issues identified at launch, as well as during the audit, have now been addressed, developers said.

The plan is to soft launch ENS in the weeks ahead, effectively stretching out the time in which domains become available.

“A softer launch should provide us with more time to react to and resolve any issues. It will also make sure that popular names get the attention they deserve when they come up for auction,” the post said.

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