The Seattle-based Transparent sets out to bring real-time settlement to financial infrastructure through a cryptographically secured, distributed payment network.
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has completed the first leg of a post-trade distributed ledger trial with startup Digital Asset.
The inability of banks and financial institutions to collaborate could restrict growth of new blockchain use cases next year.
UBS plans to invest in blockchain as part of an expansion plan in China.
Three out of four capital markets participants believe distributed ledger tech will see widespread use within the next six years.
A conversation about blockchain in capital markets highlighted the contrasting ways innovators are seeking to change financial systems.
ACI's new central bank blockchain prototype demonstrates the potential for distributed ledgers to change global banking infrastructures.
Overstock subsidiary tØ signs its first broker-dealer, Keystone Capital, in its ongoing effort to build a blockchain post-trade solution.
"Flash Boys" stock exchange, IEX Group, has spun off Tradewind Market, that aims to use blockchain to make the gold market more transparent.
Russia's National Settlement Depository discusses why it believes the biggest blockchain opportunities have yet to be uncovered.
The Post-Trade Distributed Ledger Group has taken steps to formalize its operations and add clarity to its structure.
How the Australian Securities Exchange's investment in blockchain startup Digital Asset Holdings could influence the company's offerings.
The Bank of England has said it will consider the impact of distributed ledgers as part of a plan to modernize the country’s settlement system.
A group of banks, exchanges and clearing houses has formed a working body to discuss how blockchain tech might be used in settlement.