

First Mover: Anything-Goes Token Market Repudiates Rich-Only Venture Capital Club

Venture capital is no longer just for the rich, as crypto markets let traders bet on early-stage digital-asset startups, risks included.

Markets  ·  24 August 2020

Blockchain Bites: Bitcoin’s Weary Bulls, ETC’s Action Plan, INX’s IPO

INX is gearing up for a landmark IPO while 1 billion tether jumped from Tron to Ethereum.

News  ·  21 August 2020

Money Reimagined: DeFi-ing History

For clues to the future of decentralized finance, it's useful to look at waves of financial innovation past.

Markets  ·  21 August 2020
News Roundup

Blockchain Bites: Ethereum’s Fees, Bitcoin’s Pullback, Ren’s Great Week

Stablecoin demand may become unbalanced if traders ditch a “market-neutral strategy" while Ethereum gas fees drive Tether to adopt a new rail.

News  ·  20 August 2020

First Mover: Collapsing Bitcoin Futures Premium Offers Glimpse of New Digital Money Market

Dollar-linked "stablecoins" are being used in exotic cryptocurrency trades, similar to the way money markets serve as liquidity on Wall Street.

Markets  ·  20 August 2020
News Roundup

Blockchain Bites: Bitcoin in Space; Prime Brokerage Race; Nodes You Can’t Trace

The OCC's door is open for banks looking to discuss getting involved in crypto services, a Russian bank issued a token-backed loan and bitcoin has been sent from space.

News  ·  19 August 2020

First Mover: Money Legos Turn ‘Exuberant’ as Chainlink Stripped of ‘DeFi’

This year's growth in the cryptocurrency subsector DeFi has been so remarkable that some analysts are now calling the phenomenon "exuberant."

Markets  ·  19 August 2020
News Roundup

Blockchain Bites: Hashrates Drop, Bitcoiners Hodl and an Open Letter to Bankers

Floods are dampening bitcoin mining hashrates, Ethereum Classic may be thrown off its most liquid exchange and bitcoin is moving off exchanges.

News  ·  18 August 2020

First Mover: Bitcoin Passes $12K, Dollar Worries Grow, OMG Jumps, Portnoy’s Orchid #Pump

Bitcoin rises, Warren Buffett buys a gold miner, Wall Street dollars worry grow, OMG's price jumps, Orchid gets #pump tweet, Ethereum Classic's possible delisting.

Markets  ·  18 August 2020
News Roundup

Blockchain Bites: Bitcoin on DeFi and DeFi on Bitcoin

More bitcoins are being tokenized than mined, DeFi is coming to the Bitcoin system and a former Prudential Securities CEO thinks crypto is a safe bet.

News  ·  17 August 2020

First Mover: Litecoin and Mimblewimble, Ether Futures, Chainlink, Curve

Litecoin's Mimblewimble upgrade sparks optimism, Ether futures hit records, Chainlink developers take profits.

Markets  ·  17 August 2020

Money Reimagined: How a Dangerous Idea Could Work

Modern Monetary Theory, which says deficits don't matter, has some truth to it. But putting it into practice would be risky without modern controls.

Policy & regulation  ·  14 August 2020
News Roundup

Blockchain Bites: Ripple’s Rebuff, DeFi’s ‘Degens’ and China’s CBDC

Both the U.S. and China are advancing on their central bank digital currency (CBDC) designs while a Bitcoin developer created a new programming language.

News  ·  14 August 2020
News Roundup

Blockchain Bites: Coinbase’s Loans, Ethereum’s Fees, YAM’s Bug

Ethereum fees and miners' profits are at all-time highs. Coinbase is offering bitcoin-backed loans and the Tor Network is subject to a crypto scam.

News  ·  13 August 2020

First Mover: Ethereum Faces Inflation Problem as Gas Fees Soar

Ethereum gas prices are soaring, and cryptocurrency traders say it's a reflection of congestion on the blockchain that's now starting to slow down transactions on decentralized exchanges.

Markets  ·  13 August 2020