Black Market

Restaurant’s Stolen Consumer Data Now For Sale on Bitcoin Black Market

A website selling stolen credit card data from restaurant chain PF Chang's is accepting bitcoin as payment.

Policy & regulation  ·  12 June 2014

How Bitcoin is Thriving in Argentina’s Black Market Economy

Argentinian currency restrictions created a busy black market for US dollars, and now bitcoin is on the rise too.

Business  ·  6 May 2014

Scams, Hacks and Poor Management: Life After Silk Road

Following Silk Road's demise, some users (and even law enforcement officials) wax nostalgic about the 'original' Dread Pirate Roberts.

Policy & regulation  ·  27 April 2014

Nearly $500k Sitting Unclaimed in Silk Road 2.0 Bitcoin Wallets

Silk Road 2.0 reports that 1,000 BTC has not been claimed by users affected by its February security breach.

Policy & regulation  ·  23 April 2014

After Massive Hack, It’s Pay Back Time for Silk Road 2.0

Silk Road 2.0 has announced it will pay back vendors and customers affected by last week's breach.

Policy & regulation  ·  17 February 2014

25-Year-Old Arrested After Selling Gun for Bitcoin on Black Market

A US bitcoin user has been arrested for allegedly selling a semi-automatic pistol to Dutch law enforcement officials.

Policy & regulation  ·  21 January 2014

Following the Money: Are Bitcoin Black Market Purchases Really Anonymous?

Researcher Sarah Meiklejohn discusses whether Silk Road's users can be prosecuted and if illegal bitcoin transactions are truly 'anonymous'.

Policy & regulation  ·  17 December 2013

Deeming bitcoin illegal in Thailand will turn it into a bitcoin black market

The Bank of Thailand declaring bitcoin illegal makes it a likely spot for a bitcoin black market.

Policy & regulation  ·  4 August 2013

Bitcoin-accepting Atlantis takes on the Silk Road

Bitcoin-accepting Atlantis is poised to take on the Silk Road, which remains by far the biggest drug sales site.

Policy & regulation  ·  27 June 2013