German students seek bitcoin funding for documentary

7 May 2013

A team of university students in Germany aims to make the first-ever feature-length documentary about bitcoins funded entirely by bitcoins.

“Alongside captivating interviews from celebrities and experts around the bitcoin scene from all around the globe, external experts from the fields of law, politics or science will also talk about bitcoin and what it could mean for society, economy and the World!” Bitcoin Forum member Spekulatius posted on the site late Monday night. “The only thing we need right now are donations!”

Spekulatius claims to be a student of “applied media science” at Germany’s Ilmenau University of Technology. Four other students pursuing master’s degrees in media technology are also said to be involved in the project.

“First interviews have already been arranged with the owners of, Germany’s largest Bitcoin exchange as well as privacy experts Frank Braun and Jonathan Logan from and conducted with Trace Mayer, among others,” Spekulatius writes on the Bitcoin Forum. “We are in the talks with many more parties and also focus on experts opposed to bitcoin, because no good movie goes without good a conflict!”

The aspiring filmmakers also have a Facebook page to keep supporters informed of developments as fund-raising and filming get under way.