20 top bitcoin twitterers

10 May 2013

As interest in bitcoin grows, so too does the number of Twitter accounts related to the digital currency. Among the members of Twitter’s burgeoning bitcoin community are entrepreneurs, computer engineers, writers, merchants and more.

Some of the most active bitcoin-related Twitter accounts include:

@BitcoinByte is the Twitter account for Michael Parsons, who runs the blog Bitcoin Bytes and describes himself as a “bitcoin advisor, shaper, educators and presenter”. A banking industry veteran, Parson has more than 10,000 tweets and 3,000-plus followers.

@BitcoinEconomy posts stats on the bitcoin economy from BitcoinWatch.com. It has around 4,200 followers.

@BitcoinMagazine This is the official account for Bitcoin Magazine, “the world’s first magazine dedicated to the cryptocurrency.” The account has close to 3,200 followers.

@BitcoinMoney is the account for the site of the same name. It’s devoted to tweets about “bitcoin digital currency – decentralized and open source. Exchanged person-to-person over the internet.” The account has over 4,100 followers.

@BitcoinNews is the account for the site of the same name, which offers coverage on what’s happening with bitcoin. The account has over 4,180 followers

@BitcoinOz is the account for the Australian website Bitcoin Oz, which covers bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and also provides public relations for bitcoin businesses. The Twitter account has over 15,300 followers and has posted over 17,200 tweets.

@Bitrific tweets about bitcoin insights and ideas. With more than 1,000 followers, this account covers discussions about general economics, YouTube videos, hacker news and updates from the Mt. Gox exchange.

@Blockchain is the account for Blockchain.info, which provides a bitcoin block explorer, online wallet service and currency statistics. The Twitter account has over 2,700 followers.

@BTCNews247 is the handle for Bitcoin News, which reports on news related to the digital currency. It has over 1,000 followers and over 11,400 tweets.

@Btcprice tweets real-time bitcoin price updates from the Mt. Gox exchange every 15 minutes. A complement to @Bitrific, it currently has 172 followers.

@CharlieShrem is the handle for the CEO of Bitinstant, a payment processor for bitcoin exchanges and merchants. A self-identified “bitcoin evangelist,” Shrem is also co-chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation.  In addition, he’s one of the owners of EVR, a bar in Manhattan that accepts bitcoins for payment. Shrem has over 5,800 followers on Twitter.

@dgcmagazine is the Twitter account for DGC, which covers digital currencies, precious metals, online payments and all alternatives to fiat money. Run by Julia Dixon, DGC features both a blog and a wiki. Dixon’s Twitter account has more than 6,000 followers.

@ErikVoorheesis the handle for writer, entrepreneur and armchair economist Erik Voorhees, who is the CEO of Coinapult, a business that enables bitcoin users to send the currency to any cell phone number in the US or Canada, or to any email address. Voorhees also owns the site OnLifeandLiberty.com, where he notes that bitcoin has become his hobby, his activism and his career. The digital currency, he believes, is “the greatest tool for global liberty since the internet itself.”  Members of the Bitcoin Forum community forum can find Voorhees under the screen name evoorhees. His Twitter account has over 1,600 followers.

@gavinandresen is the handle for Gavin Andresen, lead developer for bitcoin and chief scientist of the Bitcoin Foundation. He blogs at gavinthink.blogspot.com, and has more than 3,300 followers on Twitter.

@jonmatonis is the Twitter account for Jon Matonis, an e-money researcher and author of “The Monetary Future” at Forbes. He’s also a board advisor to startups in bitcoin, gaming, mobile & prepaid.  His account has over 6,400 followers and more than 14,500 tweets.

@MtGox is where you can find Tweets from the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange in Tokyo. The world’s largest bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox has some 8,800 followers on its Twitter account.

@rogerkver is the handle used by Roger Ver, CEO of Memorydealers.com (an online store for transceivers, memory and cables) and an angel investor in several bitcoin startups. He describes himself as a “Silicon Valley computer lover” who’s “very interested in Voluntaryism.” Ver’s Twitter account has 1,370 followers.

@torproject is the Twitter account for – of course – the Tor Project. Tor is anonymizing software that lets people access the deep web without revealing their identities. Tor has close to 38,500 followers on Twitter.

@TylerWinklevoss is the Twitter account for one-half of the Winklevoss twins (made famous – or infamous – by their lawsuit (eventually settled) against Mark Zuckerberg over the Facebook concept). Tyler Winklevoss currently describes himself as “an angel accelerator and bitcoiner.” He has over 8,900 followers.

@winklevoss is where you’ll find tweets from Tyler’s twin, Cameron Winklevoss. A self-described “Olympian, entrepreneur (and) investor,” Cameron shares his brother’s devotion to  bitcoin. (The two together reportedly own around 1 percent of all bitcoins currently in circulation.) Cameron Winklevoss has more than 8,850 followers.

Finally, a bonus Twitter account to follow — while not specifically bitcoin-related — is @Ripple. This is where you can follow tweets from OpenCoin’s ripple open, internet-based payment network. Ripple allows people to send money in any form they wish (including bitcoins) to any location without incurring charges for foreign currency or foreign transactions. Over 660 people now follow ripple on Twitter.

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